Home Foorumi Pelaajamarketti Pelaaja etsii tiimiä OUR TOP 10 EVENING HAIRSTYLES

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  • Julkaisija
  • #13076

    Whether for an exuberant party with friends, a gala evening in the opera or a wild dance in the club: Without the evening hairstyle that perfectly matches the occasion, even the best styling or the coolest clothes won’t really come into its own! Evening hairstyles are available for every occasion and for every hair – whether short, medium or long.

    They vary from casual styling, which looks as if they were ”un-styled”, to the voluminous mane. Even an elegant updo looks extremely stylish and rounds off the festive outfit perfectly. Also very trendy: perfectly straightened hair full lace wigs in combination with expressive eye make-up and an extravagant dress! By the way, braided hairstyles have long lost their traditional image: today you can see them on red carpets all over the world as well as on the occasion of many other events, premieres and the like. Your plus: they not only look great, but are more or less an evening hairstyle with a “durability guarantee” – for the whole evening!

    Sometimes it is simply enough to give the hair a completely new, unusual look in order to become a real eye-catcher in the evening! But whether glamorous, fancy, extravagant, solemn or sophisticated: it is important to discover hairstyling for yourself that is not only appropriate for the type but also suitable for the occasion.

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