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7.4.2020, 01:08 #13868
KäyttäjäHealth Protection Spell
This healing spell is a blessing and gives the body more connection with the spirit. The pine incense is a purifying element and so is the salt.
The water carries psychic energy in the flow from the mind to the body.
The sandalwood incense in this spell is also protective of evil spirits and also negative energy sent to you by other people.Spell to Protect an Object
The metaphysical business of protecting an object really does depend a great deal on your ability to visualize energy and also positive results. Protection rituals mostly involve tracing the shape of the five-pointed pentagrams over it to protect it from loss.
A pentagram is a form of a protective circle. It also puts a cloak of secrecy over all actions to do with the object; only you will be privy to where it is or what it is used for. Others will simply forget about it.Spell to Protect a Loved One
Spells to protect a loved one For the Spell to protect loved ones you need to imagine them surrounded by a radiant white light. This light has a seal through which no bad energy or evil influence can permeate.
For this, you will need a photo of your loved one looking peaceful or happy. A color photo is best because it gives the spirits more detail about the individual to be protected. Black and white photography is associated with death. It is also best if the photo is in a frame, preferably silver as silver summons protective spirits.
Basil is an incense that is known for its protective qualities.Home Protection Spell Home protection spells
The home protection spell is used as a shield of protection from animals, demons, human beings, spirits or anything that could harm you. It works for the house and the apartments and protects the living space from negative energy, evil and spiritual matter. When you are staying in your apartment or house, there are various maladies that can befall it. There are times, when anyone’s house can be broken into or when something can catch fire. This spell protects from the break-ins, natural disasters, flood, fire, and other misfortunes and offers a blanket of protection from such and similar misfortunes. When using this home protection spell one can sit down and rest knowing that now there is nothing to be worried about.For more information call/whatsapp +27717486182
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