legends of PURITY Part 2 shows clarity in lengths and lines, variably graded forms, combined with natural tones or expressive ultrablond. The trends of the fashionistas revolve around volume, extensions and power colors. Long hair is like a love story to beauty and femininity. Sensual glamor blondes, fiery redheads and black-haired red carpet ladies are reminiscent of the looks of large canvas divas with their dream manes. The new legends of PURITY 2013/2 collection is hair design art with a love for puristic luxury. ”Purism is the triumph of perfection.”
The Londa Professional Trend Collection: New inspiration from the land of smiles
Every season, Londa Professional lets fashion-conscious women dive into new worlds of inspiration with the presentation of an exclusive styling trend human hair wigs uk. The Londa Professional Trend Collection for Spring / Summer 2013, Dream of the Orient: Tokyo Jade, is characterized by far-eastern shapes, colors and lines and combines the meditative grace of traditional pagodas with the precision of modern Asian architecture.