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28.5.2020, 02:45 #14744
Käyttäjä_________Hello Everyone_________
-Are you realize dream enrichment by working make money online,and the job you are working have on the list of our Job ???
If the answer is yes,What are you waiting anymore??? Let cooperate us to make money and realize that dream together.
-Would like to introduce we are Anonymous – We are Team Make Money Online and I’m Leader of Team.
-We’re looking for good and long-partners for our Business.
-We Doing a lot of work online and have each member for each job to ensure time for Partners.
-Working friendly, high sense of responsibility,fast,quality,reliable and ensure absolute security 100% for Partners.
-Motto of work : Prestigious is top – Customer is God.
-Always have special deal for Best Partners as well as long-partners.
-I’m sure you will be satisfied if work with us.—— Here is a List Job that we’re done, We Will Update more Job soon——
****Sell Credit Cards (CC,CVV,CCV) All Country 100% fresh with high balance.
(United States,Australia,Canada,France,United Kingdom,Spain,Italy,Indonesia,Germany,Norway,Denmark
Brazil,Sweden,New Zealand,Ireland,Switzerland,Turkey,Belgium,Japan,Mexico,Netherlands,India,Finland
South Africa,South Korea,Greece,Singapore,Reunion,Saudi Arabia,Guadeloupe).
****Sell US + UK + AU + CA + FR + ITALY + ASIAN + GERMANY CC Fullz info
****Sell Dumps Cards.
****Sell CVV Full Information (Name/Address/SSN/Dob/DL/City/State/Zipcode/phone…)
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****SeLL Bank Login-Bank Transfer ( US/Uk/Ca/Germany/Asian/Eu )
****Sell Gift Card Itune – Amazon – Ebay- Google Play, Etc
****Shipping SERVICE ( Laptop-Iphone-Phone Other )
****Sell Western Union Money Transfer Services 2020
****Registration account online (with Payment to register) suitable for Affiliate Marketing partners (CPA ~ PPA).
****Booking Hotel / Plane Ticket all country.
**** Accept payment: PM(Perfect Money) – WMZ(Web Money) – BTC(Bitcoin) & WU-MG with Reguler buyer.*********** Note ***********
– Do not ask me why the high price here, because it goes hand in hand with the quality
– You can buy cheap from other hackers, of course the quality of it will never be good, sometimes it a scammer
– That’s what you need to know to do business, but the choice is your own
– We will never force a client in this business._________Contact Us_________
ICQ: 750506010
Gmail: ( Should contact )
Skype: live:raintransfer52
Whatssap: +84702789919 ( Online 24/24 )
Telegram: @raintransfer52
____Thank you for read my post and hope to work with you soon____
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